Weekly Report 2013-08-11

Completed Work

  1. Created additional documentation: on ssh-agent, using ssh keys and clearing ssh sessions as a possible remedy for failure to load fcgi changes
  2. Pursuant to central authentication for all ACL-related websites
  1. Read through sourcecode of Drupal user authentication

    ACL 2014

    ACL 2014 covers a broad spectrum of disciplines working towards enabling intelligent systems to interact with humans using natural language, to understanding computational and other linguistic properties of language, and to enhancing human-human communication through services such as speech recognition, automatic translation, information retrieval, text summarization, and information extraction.

    Drupal Site Maintenance: Cron Jobs

    Cron Jobs in Drupal

    The Drupal databases fill up rapidly with logs of various kinds - access logs, cache, error logs, etc. For this reason, it is important to periodically clean out the database. Fortunately, Drupal includes a quick way to do it.


    Drupal comes packaged with a cron.php script that does this work for you. It's a very short script:

    Python Version Management with Pythonbrew

    pythonbrew is a Python version manager that allows for local Python installations. This is necessary because 1and1 gives us quite an old (2.6.6) version of Python, meaning that we either have to have the old version on a local machine to do local development, or we need to be able to switch into newer versions of Python on the server. Knowing how to use pythonbrew solves both of these problems.

    The ACL-IJCNLP 2015 Conference Will Be Held in Beijing, China

    ACL-IJCNLP 2015, the joint conference of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, will take place in Beijing, China on August 15-20, 2015. The ACL-IJCNLP 2015 will be hosted by the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (www.cipsc.org.cn). Local arrangement co-chairs: Le Sun, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yang Liu, Tsinghua University.

    Weekly Report 2013-07-28

    Completed Work

    1. Created additional documentation: using virtualenv and pythonbrew
    2. Pursuant to central authentication for all ACL-related websites
      1. Started coding a login system that can be shared with all sites that uses last week's database

    Weekly Report 2013-07-21

    Completed Work

    1. Created additional documentation: for using installing PEAR extensions for PHP
    2. Did further research on OpenID support, including reading the OpenID standard, reading through the official PHP OpenID library source code, and reading a bit through the MediaWiki and Drupal 7 OpenID modules source code.
      1. This is pursuant to what I understand from an email received this week to be an intention to set up aclweb.org as an OpenID provider
      2. To that end, I've set up a database for pairing ACL usernames with OpenID endpoints

    Installing PEAR Extensions (PHP)

    1and1 gives us PHP out of the box, but not necessarily all the standard PHP extensions. This document shows you how to add standard PHP extensions (PEAR modules) to the default setup. You can read more about PEAR at the PEAR homepage.

    Creating the .pearrc config file

    For PEAR to work, you'll need to create a config file. This has already been done on the current server at:



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