Weekly Report 2013-10-14

Completed Work

  1. Work on OpenID response server
  1. Not quite ready to start receiving requests from foreign sites, but almost there

Agenda for Coming Week

  1. Continue work on OpenID response server
  2. Continue work on Portal upgrade
  3. Continue work on style changes for new site

    Weekly Report 2013-10-07

    Completed Work

    1. Elections app preparation for election:
    1. Testing
    2. Content changes
    3. PIN generation, email announcement

    Agenda for Coming Week

    1. Continue work on OpenID response server
    2. Continue work on Portal upgrade
    3. Continue work on style changes for new site

      Weekly Report 2013-09-30

      Completed Work

      1. Formatted elections app, input all data
      2. Installed python-openid library for use in CentralAuth system
      3. Read OpenID standard
      4. Began coding OpenID response server (this will make aclweb.org an OpenID provider when complete)

      Agenda for Coming Week

      1. Continue work on OpenID response server
      2. Continue work on Portal upgrade

      Weekly Report 2013-09-23

      Completed Work

      1. Elections app running, in process of formatting

      Agenda for Coming Week

      1. Continue work on Portal upgrade
      2. Continue work on style changes for new site
      1. Feature upcoming conferences through interactive Google map
      2. Include meta tage/SEO keywords to ensure site shows up in appropriate searches

      Weekly Report 2013-09-15

      Completed Work

      1. New site migrated and live

      Agenda for Coming Week

      1. Continue work on Portal upgrade
      2. Continue work on style changes for new site
      1. Feature upcoming conferences through interactive Google map
      2. Include meta tage/SEO keywords to ensure site shows up in appropriate searches

      Weekly Report 2013-09-01

      Completed Work

      1. Work on Central Authentication System
      1. Drupal integration: complete - including error handling and logout functionality
      2. MediaWiki integration: works in theory but haven't tested. Still writing the integration module.
      3. Need to work on styling, also need to add a way to store individual site usernames (right now it's returning the username a user logs into the central auth system with).

      Weekly Report 2013-08-25

      Completed Work

      1. Work on Central Authentication System
      1. Drupal integration: works, need to write some error handling, though. Should be live tomorrow on the new main site.
      2. MediaWiki integration: works in theory but haven't tested. Still writing the integration module.
      3. Need to work on styling, also need to add a way to store individual site usernames (right now it's returning the username a user logs into the central auth system with).

      Weekly Report 2013-08-11

      Completed Work

      1. Mostly finished internal system functionality for central login
      1. Test logins for jwherring (admin), knmnym (admin), testuser (regular user) with login centralauthpass
      2. Wrote most of integration module for new main site
      3. Need to work on styling


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