HLT-NAACL 2006, the Human Language Technology conference - North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting 2006 will be held in New York City, hosted by New York University, June 4-9.

ACL 2007 Call for Proposals available

The Association for Computational Linguistics hereby invites proposals to host the 45th Meeting of the ACL in summer 2007. The conference is to be in Europe, according to the rule of regional rotation of ACL. The meetings of ACL to date have been highly successful, with higher than expected attendance (over 650 attendees at ACL-03 in Sapporo and around 700 at ACL-04 in Barcelona). More than 10 workshops and associated conferences were held together with the main conferences in 2003 and 2004.

Kathy McKeown named Woman of Vision by the Anita Borg Institute

Kathleen R. McKeown is the Women of Vision Award winner in the *Innovation* category. McKeown has made seminal contributions to the natural language processing (NLP) area, also called Computational Linguistics (CL), within the general areas of artificial intelligence, information extraction, and human machine interaction. More specifically, McKeown has made pioneering contributions to natural language generation; this field of research focuses on enabling computers to effectively utilize natural language.

Launch of Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL)

ACL announces the launch of Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), a new ACL-sponsored journal that publishes papers in all areas of computational linguistics and natural language processing.

A key feature of TACL is that papers accepted for publication will be eligible for presentation at the ACL main conference. (Presentation is optional; authors do not have to present their papers at the conference).

ACL Fellows Program


I am happy to announce that the ACL Executive Committee has approved the creation of an ACL Fellows program, which recognizes ACL members whose contributions to the field have been most extraordinary. To be named a Fellow, a candidate must have been a member of the ACL for the past three consecutive years and be nominated by a current ACL member.

Changes to the ACL executive board

I am happy to announce that two new ACL members will join the exec as of January 1, 2012:

  • vice-president-elect: Gertjan van Noord, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
  • member: Jian Su, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

They replace Ido Dagan (current past president) and Lori Levin (member). The ACL exec acknowledges Lori and Ido for their for the hard work they devoted to ACL during their terms.

ACL Election results

We are pleased to announce the outcome of the elections for new members of the ACL board for 2011:

  • VP-Elect: Haifeng Wang
  • Board Member: Renata Vieira
  • Secretary: Dragomir Radev

We congratulate the elected candidates, and we thank all those members who voted in the election.


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