Emotion in HCI - Real World Challenges

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
United Kingdom
Submission Deadline: 
Thursday, 30 April 2009

Call for Papers
The 2009 Workshop on

Emotion in HCI
- Real World Challenges -

to be held at the HCI 2009 conference
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK

1st September 2009


Submission deadline: 30th April 2009

The role of emotion in HCI is becoming ever more relevant and
challenging. HCI for affective systems embraces theories from a wide
range of domains and disciplines such as psychology and sociology,
robotics, computer science or design. It is relevant to a diverse
set of application areas, from teaching and learning to office
applications, entertainment technology, therapeutic applications,
through to advertising and product design. Continual areas of
interest within research include the recognition as well as
synthesis of affect and emotion in the face, body, and speech, and
the influence of emotion on human information processing and
decision-making, interaction metaphors, design aspects, and many
more. Throughout this wide-ranging and multi-disciplinary research
there are common obstacles each of us face in our work, particularly
when bringing affect out of the laboratory and into the real world.

Being the 5th workshop in this series, this year's workshop is
focusing on the development of affective technologies for real-world
applications and the issues that this orientation brings to our
research. Position papers are most welcome, but not limited to, the
following topics:

* What are the real world challenges in affective computing and
how can we address them?
* How can we sense and model affect, and what impact does sensing
methodology and models used have on our methods?
* Can one -in the real world- sensibly differentiate between
emotional and non-emotional behavior, and if so how?
* What relationship is there to other concepts such as
motivation and engagement?
* What application areas make ideal research settings for
exploring affective technologies in the real world?
* How can we measure and evaluate the success of affective
* What levels of social acceptance exist within society or
specific communities towards affective systems?
* How might social acceptance attitudes impact on the design
of affective technologies?
* What are the opportunities, risks and ethics entailed in
developing affective systems? In particular, how should these
risks and ethical concerns be addressed by the research community?

This workshop will meet the requirements of individuals working in
the different fields affected by emotion, giving them a podium to
raise their questions and work with like-minded people of various
disciplines on common subjects. It will use predominantly small
group work, rather than being presentation-based and will be focused
on selected topics based on the contributions. As with previous
workshops, which resulted in a Springer book publication, this
interactive and focused workshop is designed to produce tangible and
citable outcomes.

To become part of this discussion please submit an extended abstract
of your ideas, project or demo description. Case studies describing
current applications or prototypes are strongly encouraged, as well
as presentations of products or prototypes that you have developed.
To encourage a high number of demonstrations, not just functional
prototypes are welcome but also visionary ones in form of e.g. video
prototypes, cardboard mock ups, cartoon strips, forum theatre
presentations, or pastiche scenarios.
In any case we are particularly interested in prototypes and
products that are designed to function in the real world.

Your position paper should be limited to about 800 words and
formatted in ACM style:

Please submit your work by email to submission2009 [at] emotion-in-hci.net

Registration is via the conference's web site

Authors of accepted contributions will be asked to extend their
abstract to a short or full paper to be included in Volume 3 of the
conference proceedings. We might also issue a 2009 volume of the
workshop's proceedings series, which will be published with an ISBN
by Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.

30th April Position paper deadline
12th May Notification of acceptance
17th August Camera ready copy due
TBA Early registration deadline
1st September Workshop

For a more and up to date information visit the workshop's web site:


For inquiries please contact the organizers through
enquiries2009 [at] emotion-in-hci.net

Christian Peter, Fraunhofer IGD Rostock, Germany
Lesley Axelrod, Interact Lab, University of Sussex, UK
Shazia Afzal, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Harry Agius, School of Information Systems, Brunel University, UK
Elizabeth Crane, School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan, USA
Madeline Balaam, Interact Lab, University of Sussex, UK