Last call for participation: ADoBo - A shared task on Automatic Detection of Borrowings at IberLEF2021

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Participation
Abbreviated Title: 
ADoBo 2021
The Internet
Elena Álvarez-Mellado
Luis Espinosa-Anke
Julio Gonzalo ARroyo
Constantine Lignos
Jordi Porta-Zamorano
Submission Deadline: 
Monday, 17 May 2021

Last Call for Participation for ADoBo - A shared task on Automatic Detection of Borrowings at IberLEF 2021

ADoBo is the shared task on Automatic Detection of Borrowings at IberLEF 2021. The purpose of the task is to detect unassimilated lexical borrowings in a corpus of Spanish newswire, i.e. words that have recently been imported into Spanish and that haven’t been assimilated yet into the language (words such as 'smartphone', 'hype', 'social media', 'machine learning' or 'youtuber').

The test set for ADoBo shared task has just been released. The deadline for sending systems' output is May 17th. Paper submissions will be due on May 31st. Accepted papers will be presented in September at IberLEF 2021.

ADoBo welcomes participation from anyone working in code-mixed data, as well as those interested in the intersection of neology, lexicography and NLP.

For more information visit:
* ADoBo website:
* Google group:
* CodaLab:

Task organizers
* Elena Álvarez-Mellado, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA.
* Luis Espinosa-Anke, School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University, UK.
* Julio Gonzalo Arroyo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain.
* Constantine Lignos, Brandeis University, USA.
* Jordi Porta-Zamorano, Centro de Estudios de la RAE, Spain.