Call for Nominations for the 2022 Test-of-Time (ToT) Paper Awards

The ACL is pleased to open the call for nominations for the 2022 Test-of-Time (ToT) paper awards. In 2022, the ToT paper awards will honor up to four influential papers from ACL events from 25 and 10 years ago, namely, up to two papers from 1997 ACL events and up to two papers from 2012 ACL events.

ACL ToT papers should describe research that has had long-lasting influence on the field. That is, they should have had a significant impact on a subarea of CL, across subareas of CL, or outside of the CL research community. They may have proposed new research directions and new technologies, or released results and resources that have greatly benefited the community.

All nominations will be evaluated by the Test-of-Time paper award nomination committee to decide the winners. The winners will be honored at ACL 2022.

Please enter your nomination via the following form:

The deadline for nominations is February 28. Multiple nominations by the same nominator are allowed; self-nominations are allowed. ACL workshops from the appropriate years are included in the eligible venues. For any further information, please contact:

Yusuke Miyao (ACL conference officer), Mirella Lapata (ToT paper award nomination committee co-chair), or Jason Eisner (ToT paper award nomination committee co-chair).

Best wishes,
Mirella Lapata (ToT paper award nomination committee co-chair)
Jason Eisner (ToT paper award nomination committee co-chair)
Yusuke Miyao (ACL conference officer)