2nd Workshop on Stylistic Variation

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
Collocated with NAACL 2018
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
New Orleans
Submission Deadline: 
Friday, 9 March 2018

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Workshop on Stylistic Variation, which will be co-located with NAACL 2018 in New Orleans (USA), and will take place on the 5-6 of June 2018.


March 16, 2018: Paper Due Date
April 6, 2018: Notification of Acceptance
April 16, 2018: Camera-ready Papers Due
June 5, 2018: Workshop Date

People express themselves in different ways due to their background, their intended audience, the conventions of their language for the genre in question, or just as a matter of personal style.
The associated variation in phonological, lexical, syntactic, or discourse realization of a particular semantic content have important consequences for low-level NLP tasks such as text normalization, POS tagging, and parsing. At the same time, this variation influences downstream applications such as text simplification, sentiment analysis, information retrieval, or text generation, and directly enables the reverse tasks of predicting variables such as individual speaker, speaker demographics, target audience, genre, language, etc.

The overarching questions that motivate this workshop are:

1. To what extent it is possible or desirable to go beyond superficial, uninterpretable, task-specific stylistic features to deeper, broader, more systematic, and more psychologically-plausible conceptualizations of stylistic variation.
2. To what extent does stylistic variation indirectly impact applied tasks historically treated as stylistically uniform, and to what extent is an isolation of the stylistic factor desirable in these applications.
3. To what extent recent advances in related areas such as distributional semantics can be applied to better capture stylistic variation and which new challenges arise with using and interpreting these approaches.

For purposes of the workshop, “stylistic variation” includes variation in phonological, lexical, syntactic, or discourse realization of particular semantic content, due to differences in extralinguistic variables such as individual speaker, speaker demographics, target audience, genre and so on.

We welcome submissions including the proposed topics and applications of interest from the following non-exhaustive list.

Suggested topics:

Evidence for or against targeted approaches to stylistic variation
Interpretability of computational models of style
Effects of stylistic variation on downstream tasks
General methods for differentiating style from semantics/topic
Style-aware natural language generation
Domain adaptation across stylistically distinct domains
Capturing style in distributional vector space models
Stylistic lexicon acquisition
Challenges in the interpretation (and overinterpretation) of stylistic differences
Speaker identification in text and speech
Challenges of annotating style
Quantification of genre differences

Possible applications:

Stylistic features for mental health applications
Literary stylistics (author and character profiling)
Rhetoric (e.g. stylistic choice in political speeches, etc.)
Authorship attribution, stylistic segmentation, intrinsic plagiarism detection
Identifying trustworthiness and deception
Text normalization
Modelling of demographics and personality
Politeness and other linguistic manifestations of social power
Stylistically-informed sentiment analysis (e.g. sarcasm, hate speech)
Readability, complexity, and simplification
Learner language (e.g. fluency, use of collocations, stylistic appropriateness, etc.)

Find more at our website: https://sites.google.com/view/2ndstylisticvariation/home

We accept regular long (8 pages + references) and short papers (4 pages + references) following the NAACL 2018 format.

Submit your papers via START: https://www.softconf.com/naacl2018/Style-Var18/user/scmd.cgi?scmd=submit...


Lucie Flekova, Amazon
Julian Brooke, Thomson Reuters
Thamar Solorio, University of Houston
Moshe Koppel, Bar-Ilan University

Program Committee

Nikolaos Aletras (University of Sheffield)
Yves Bestgen (Université catholique de Louvain)
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp)
Jacob Eisenstein (Georgia Tech)
Roger Evans (University of Brighton)
Alexander Gelbukh (Instituto Politécnico Nacional)
Adam Hammond (San Diego State University)
Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto)
Dirk Hovy (University of Copenhagen)
Eduard Hovy (Carnegie Mellon University)
Ekaterina Kochmar (Cambridge University)
Vasileios Lampos (University College London)
Dominique Legallois (Université Paris 3, Sorbonne-Nouvelle)
Manuel Montes-y-Gomez (Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electronica)
Dong Nguyen (Alan Turing Institute)
Umashanthi Pavalanathan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ellie Pavlick (University of Pennsylvania)
Barbara Plank (University of Groningen)
Martin Potthast (Leipzig University)
Vinod Prabhakaran (Computer Science, Stanford)
Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro (University of Pennsylvania)
Emily Prud’hommeaux (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Sudha Rao (University of Maryland)
Paolo Rosso (Universitat Politècnica de València)
Maarten Sap (University of Washington)
Andrew H. Schwartz (Stony Brook University)
Anders Soegaard (University of Copenhagen)
Benno Stein (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Joel Tetreault (Grammarly)
Sandra Uitdenbogerd (RMIT University)
Sowmya Vajjala (Iowa State University)
Svitlana Volkova (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Wei Xu (Ohio State Unversity)
Marcos Zampeiri (University of Wolverhampton)

Invited Speakers

Prof. Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan
Prof. James W. Pennebaker, University of Texas at Austin