2022Q3 Reports: Sponsorship Director

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This is the second year that ACL has had a Sponsorship Director position. The position was created in July of 2020, and it officially started in Jan 2021. The position is currently filled by Prof. Chris Callison-Burch from the University of Pennsylvania, who previous served in several positions for the ACL: he was the General Chair for ACL 2017, Program Co-Chair for EMNLP 2015, Chair of the NAACL Executive Board 2012-2013 and a Board Member for NAACL Executive Board 2010-2011.

Duties of the Sponsorship Director

Since it is a new position, the responsibilities of the Sponsorship Director are still being defined. Last year I defined this as the set of responsibilities:

  • Coordinate the ACL Sponsorship Committee, which consists of the Sponsorship Director, the ACL Business Manager, 2 regional representatives from each chapter, 2 representatives from SIGDAT. Here are more details about the Sponsorship Committee Procedures.
  • Coordinate with the ACL Business Manager to set the sponsorship rates for the conferences, and benefits for each sponsorship level
  • Produce a sponsorship booklet which is distributed to potential sponsors, and which outlines the costs and benefits for each sponsorship level
  • Coordinate with the web admins of each conference to post the sponsorship booklet on the conference website
  • Help recruit new sponsors to the conference, and direct new sponsors to the Business Manager for invoicing once they've joined
  • Coordinate with the general chairs of the conferences to let them know about sponsor benefits like exhibition space (which needs to be replicated in online conferences)
  • Coordinate with web admins fo each conference to post logos/URLs of sponsors when they agree to sponsor the conference
  • Maintain an organized list of current sponsors and of potential sponsorship leads
  • Help establish policies relating to sponsorship and streamline the process of sponsorship
  • Currently the Sponsorship Director helps oversee sponsorship for *ACL conferences only. In the future, it may be useful to help provide guidance for workshops or SIGs as well.

This year I have been taking on additional sponsorship duties that were previously handled by Priscilla Rasmussen, since she is retiring. These include: 1. Contacting recurring sponsors to solicit sponsorship of upcoming conferences. 2. Invoicing sponsors once they have picked a sponsorship level, and decided which conferences to sponsor. 3. Liaising between sponsors and relevant conference organizers in order to ensure that we give the sponsors the promised benefits

  • logos and links on conference websites
  • logos and promotional materials in printed conference materials
  • space for exhibition displays at the in-person conference
  • online options for virtual exhibitions
  • scheduling exhibition time in the conference program so that companies know when to staff their booths
  • complementary registration for the correct number of company's employees
  • etc.

Priscilla has done a masterful job of doing all of these things in the past and there are likely to be a few rough patches as we as an organization learn to replicate what she's done for us.

In order to help manage the invoices, I asked permission from both the ACL Treasurer and my own university department to hire my admin at the University of Pennsylvania to help with issuing the invoices. Her name and email is Lily Hoot <lhoot@seas.upenn.edu>. She's well organized, responsive, and quick. We will bill the ACL $40/hour for her time to reimburse the University for time taken away from her normal responsibilities. I recommend that the ACL Exec budget for administrative help for future Sponsorship Directors as well.

Action Needed From ACL Exec

Since we have not yet hired a replacement business manager, we need to decide on the following:

Action items carried forward from Q1. Please address these:

  • What is the new address of the ACL? Previously, we used Priscilla's address (209 N. Eighth Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360 USA).
  • Who in the organization should process credit card payments?
  • Who in the organization should be the point of contact for purchase orders (another mechanism by which sponsors pay us)? I have done this for now.
  • Who in the organization can verify that payments have made by sponsors? It may be helpful to grant me and future Sponsorship Directors read-only access to the ACL bank account.

New action items:

  • The general chairs of ACL and EMNLP this year have suggested doing away with the printed conference handbook. This features into several benefits that the sponsors get, so I persuaded them to delay until next year when I could remove it from the benefits that we advertise for sponsors. If there is no objection, I'll remove the printed handbook.
  • Where are the 2023 conferences located, and who will the general chairs be? I'd like to get started early on making the 2023 sponsorship brochure, so I need this info as soon as its available.

Action item for regional chapters, SIGDAT

At the start of each year, please pick a representative for your chapter to serve a 2 year term. Ideally we'll have 2 reps from each group serving staggered 2 year terms.

ACL Sponsorship Committee

The ACL Sponsorship Committee currently consists of:

  • Chris Callison-Burch <ccb@cis.upenn.edu> - ACL Sponsorship Director
  • Priscilla Rasmussen <acl.rasmussen@gmail.com> - ACL Business Manager
  • Chin-Yew Lin <cyl@microsoft.com> - Sponsorship Chair for SIGDAT
  • Kenneth Heafield resigned as Sponsorship Chair for EACL chapter, because he has a new child. We need 2 new EACL chapter sponsorship chairs.
  • Akiko Aizawa <aizawa@nii.ac.jp> - Sponsorship Chair for AACL chapter
  • Mohit Bansal <mbansal@cs.unc.edu> - Sponsorship Chair for NAACL chapter
  • Ves Stoyanov <ves@fb.com> - Sponsorship Chair for NAACL chapter

Sponsorship rates for 2022 and 2023 Conferences

In late 2021, Priscilla Rasmussen and I met the sponsorship rates. Here are the | new Sponsorship rates for 2022 Conferences. We kept the ACL sponsorship rate fixed from last year, and set the sponsorship rates for the other conferences for this year (EMNLP, NAACL, and AACL) to be roughly proportional ACL based on what fraction of attendees we expected. This means that EMNLP's sponsorship rates are now equal to ACL, NAACL's sponsorship rates are 75% that of ACL, and AACL's sponsorship rates are 40% of ACL's.

I plan to set the sponsorship rates for the 2023 conferences at approximately 15% higher, because of inflation and because I think our Diamond level sponsors are likely willing to pay more.

Sponsorship Booklet for 2022 Conferences

I hired a designer to make the Sponsorship Booklet again this year. We hired Kira Grennan <kira.grennan@gmail.com> who updated | the sponsorship booklet plus created | a new wordmark for ACL invoices and letterhead for about $350 USD. Here's | the old style booklet and | the old letterhead prior to us hiring a designer, for comparison.

The Sponsorship Booklet now includes a page with the ACL Sponsorship Conflict of Interest Policy. It states:

To ensure the independence and integrity of the conference, sponsors have no say over the paper selection process, tutorial selection process, choice of invited speakers, the composition of the program committees, or the best paper awards. The substance and structure of the conference are determined independently by the program committees and/or conference organizers.

The ACL will always acknowledge our sources of financial support.

The ACL will always disclose the benefits that funders receive as a condition of their contributions.

Sponsors can only contribute to a general fund; they cannot specify how their contributions are spent, with the following exceptions: 1. Sponsors are allowed to contribute toward a specific workshop hosted by an ACL conference. 2. Sponsors are allowed to contribute directly toward specific focus areas that are documented in our sponsorship booklet, with a recent example being sponsorship for Diversity and Inclusion efforts at conferences.

As one of the sponsor benefits, a Participant List may be requested by sponsors at any time and this list will contain name/email/affiliation, and country. Additionally, a separate list of those attendees wanting to talk with sponsors about employment opportunities will be made available. In both cases, inclusion in these lists is at the attendee's option. In keeping with the spirit of inclusivity, we ask that these lists not be used to invite subsets of attendees to exclusive parties or events. The lists may not be used for advertising or solicitation purposes.

Current Sponsors for 2022 Conferences

As of June 19, 2022 we have secured the following number of confirmed sponsors at our various sponsorship levels.

6	Diamond
8	Platinum
6	Gold
3	Silver
3	Bronze
0	Supporter
2	D&I Champion
0	D&I Ally
1	D&I Contributor
ACL Sponsorship Revenue: $381,660

5	Diamond
7	Platinum
8	Gold
3	Silver
6	Bronze
0	Supporter
1	D&I Champion
1	D&I Ally
1	D&I Contributor
NAACL Sponsorship Revenue: $276,060
5	Diamond
4	Platinum
2	Gold
2	Silver
4	Bronze
0	Supporter
1	D&I Champion
0	D&I Ally
0	D&I Contributor
EMNLP Sponsorship Revenue: $229,960
2	Diamond
1	Platinum
1	Gold
0	Silver
1	Bronze
0	Supporter
1	D&I Champion
0	D&I Ally
0	D&I Contributor
AACL Sponsorship Revenue: $33,880

(Note: Sponsorship Revenue includes multi-pack discounts. $921,560 is the total revenue assigned to conferences, but $941,865 is the actual total. My allocation to conference is off by $20,305 (possibly due to misassignment of multipacks, or exhibitor days).

Additionally, we have $90,350 for workshop sponsorships and colocated conferences.

I have been using | this spreadsheet to track sponsorship leads and commitments.