2022Q3 Reports: Publicity Director

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0. At the end of 2022, the deputy director Sarvnaz Karimi will take over the director role after the 3-year term. A new deputy director has to be appointed.

1. Social media streamlining. No update. Persistent Twitter accounts are in place and in use, and we give *ACL conference publicity chairs access to the respective Twitter account via tweetdeck. For a status on followers, see point 3.

2. Handbook. Not much has happened in the handbook in the recent quarter.

3. Overview of Social Media presence and number of members. We continue to observe a steady increase in followers/members.

  • Existing accounts:
 * Twitter: @aclmeeting, @aaclmeeting, @eaclmeeting, @naaclmeeting, @emnlpmeeting (used since 2021), 
 * Weibo: (https://www.weibo.com/aclmeeting/) 
 * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aclmeeting 
 * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aclmeeting 
 * LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/10484931/

Current follower/member status:

  • July 15, 2022: Twitter (@aclmeeting: 13.6k), Facebook (685), LinkedIn members (1,285), Instagram (450).
  • March 14, 2022: Twitter (@aclmeeting: 11.8k), Facebook (633), LinkedIn members (1,030), Instagram (454).
  • July 8, 2021: Twitter (@aclmeeting: 9,336), Facebook (552), LinkedIn members (645), Instagram (449).
  • July 3, 2020: Twitter (@aclmeeting: 4,305), Facebook (332), LinkedIn members (278), Instagram (485).

ACL Publicity Director report by Barbara Plank (LMU Munich, Germany and IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, director) and deputy Sarvnaz Karimi (CSIRO, Australia, deputy)