2022Q1 Reports: CL Journal

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During the six months from July to December 2021, the CL journal received 77 first submissions (of all paper types). We have improved the average time to first decision of regular papers and survey papers to 64 days (excluding desk rejects).

The published CL papers of the last 4 issues (March 2021 to December 2021) comprise 22 regular papers, 2 squibs, and 3 book reviews. The total number of pages of these four issues is 946.

Since March 2020, CL journal papers are eligible for presentation at one of the *ACL/EMNLP conferences. 5 papers were presented at ACL 2021, 7 papers were presented at EMNLP 2021, and 8 papers will be presented at ACL 2022.

Hwee Tou Ng 5 March 2022