2010Q3 Reports: Secretary

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ACL secretary report Dragomir R. Radev

  • I worked with Min Yen Kan to get a bunch of recent ACL-produced papers added to DBLP.
  • I worked with Ali Hakim to update the ACL wiki to include recent acceptance rates, invited speakers, program and other chairs, and best paper awards.
  • A new, up to date, version of the ACL Anthology Network was produced. It is available at http://clair.si.umich.edu/clair/anthology/index.cgi
  • I worked with Hwee Tou Ng and Ido Dagan to generate a proposal for a new journal-based initiative.
  • I finalized the solution to the conference sudoku.


  • I participated in the work of the balance committee whose goal is to balance participation in ACL affairs of people from various backgrounds.
  • I tracked hundreds of bad email addresses during the annual elections.
  • I led NACLO 2010, the fourth USA-Canada computational lingustics olympiad - http://www.naclo.cs.cmu.edu
  • I took the US computational linguistics team to the ILO in Poland (http://www.iol.nu) and for the fourth time, brought home a number of gold and other medals.
  • I helped inaugurate linguistics olympiads in Ireland, the UK, and Singapore (in addition to Canada and Australia which were similarly created previously).