First Workshop on Social Influence in Conversations

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
SICon 2023
Co-located with ACL 2023
Kushal Chawla
Weiyan Shi
Submission Deadline: 
Monday, 17 April 2023

***Second Call for Papers***

Twitter: @SIConWorkshop
Paper Submission via Openreview:
Contact: socialinfluencenlp [at]
Venue: Co-located with ACL 2023; July 14, 2023; Toronto, Canada (Hybrid)

Social influence is the change in an individual's thoughts, feelings, attitudes, or behaviors that results from interaction with another individual or a group. Social influence is a core function of human communication, and is ubiquitous in everyday life, with scenarios ranging from negotiations to argumentation to behavioral interventions. Consequently, realistic human-machine conversations must reflect these social influence dynamics, making it essential to systematically model and understand them in dialogue research. This requires perspectives not only from NLP and AI research but also from game theory, emotion, communication, and psychology.

SICon 2023 will be the first venue that uniquely fosters a dedicated discussion on social influence within NLP while involving researchers from other disciplines such as affective computing and the social sciences. SICon 2023 features keynote talks, panel discussions, poster sessions, and lightning talks for accepted papers. We encourage researchers of all stages and backgrounds to share their exciting work!

SICon will promote discussion around several key questions:

1) How should social influence systems model users and plan optimal responses systematically?
2) How can social influence systems benefit from linguistic theories (e.g., successful persuasion or negotiation tactics) developed in the social sciences?
3) What structurally differentiates and unites various social influence tasks?
4) What are the ethical issues involved with AI that engage in social influence and what guardrails must be implemented before using these systems in the wild?

***Submission Guidelines***
SICon welcomes submissions of archival short (4 pages) and long (8 pages) papers. There is also a non-archival track for extended abstracts (2 pages) and recently published short and long papers that are relevant to the theme of the workshop.

***Important Dates***
(All submission deadlines are 11:59 p.m. UTC-12:00 ‘anywhere on Earth’)

Direct paper submission deadline: April 17, 2023
Commitment deadline for ACL Rolling Review (ARR) papers (with reviews): April 24, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2023
Camera-ready paper due: May 30, 2023

***Invited Speakers and Panelists***

Jonathan Gratch (USC)
He He (NYU)
Mike Lewis (Meta AI)
Jonathan May (USC)
Kathleen R. McKeown (Columbia Uni.)
Noam Slonim (IBM)
Diyi Yang (Stanford Uni.)
Jingwen Zhang (UC Davis)


Kushal Chawla (USC)
Weiyan Shi (Columbia Uni.)
Maximillian Chen (Columbia Uni.)
Alexandros Papangelis (Amazon Alexa AI)
Gale Lucas (USC)
Zhou Yu (Columbia Uni.)