Fifth Workshop on Narrative Understanding (WNU) - Call for Papers

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Papers
Abbreviated Title: 
Toronto - Hybrid
Nader Akoury
Faeze Brahman
Submission Deadline: 
Monday, 24 April 2023

The fifth Workshop on Narrative Understanding (WNU) will be co-located with the 2023 Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'23), which will take place in Toronto, Canada from July 9th to July 14th, 2023.
The workshop will take place on ... and we are planning for a hybrid workshop.

*** About Workshop ***
This workshop brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers from AI, ML, NLP, Computer Vision and other related fields, as well as scholars from the humanities to discuss methods to improve automatic narrative understanding and generation capabilities.
The workshop will consist of talks from invited speakers, a panel of researchers, and talks and posters from accepted papers.
We solicit papers that present new datasets, systems and methods, and evaluation methodologies for topics related to narrative understanding. These topics include but are not limited to:
- The cognitive process of storytelling. Understanding of the science behind storytelling, and what distinguishes a successful narrative from an unsuccessful one.
- Event-centric narrative understanding. Building structured machine-consumable representations of plots and scripts, and models of acquiring and representing commonsense knowledge.
- Character-centric narrative understanding. Methods that focus on understanding narratives from a social perspective. Topics include identifying characters in a narratives, modeling characters as social goal-oriented agents, their interaction with other characters or the environment, their similarity with other entities, social network analysis, etc.
- Cultural analytics. Approaches to the data-driven analysis of narrative to answer empirical research questions in the humanities, including (but not limited to) the domains of literature and folklore.
- Evaluating narrative understanding. Methods for evaluation of narrative understanding skills via objective tasks such as reading comprehension, story QA, story-cloze etc.
Story generation. Systems that focus on automatic generation of coherent and meaningful stories.
- Narratives in social media. Applications of identifying and analyzing narratives in social media
- Multimodal narratives. Methods for narrative understanding in domains that extend beyond textual data (such as images, videos and music).

*** Author Guidelines ***
Submissions should be 4 to 8 pages in length excluding references, and should be formatted using ACL guidelines.
The review process will be double-blind, and so submissions must not identify authors or their affiliations.
Authors can choose an archival or a non-archival submission by indicating their choice as a footnote on the first page of the submission (by default the submissions will be considered non-archival). Only new and unpublished work is acceptable for archival submissions. They will be published in the workshop proceedings. For non-archival submissions, previously published (or under-review) work is acceptable. A non-archival submission does not preclude publications in other venues.
Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop as posters and/or oral talks and there will be no differentiation between archived and non-archived submissions during presentations.

** Important dates **
Workshop submissions due: April 24, 2023
Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2023
Camera-ready papers due: May 30, 2023
WNU workshop: TBD
Note: All deadlines are 11:59 pm UTC -12h (anywhere on earth).
Questions? email us at