The health Natural Language Processing Center

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Boston Children's Hospital
Monday, 20 March 2017
James Masanz, hNLP Center Technical Director,

Dear Community,

The health Natural Language Processing Center (hNLP Center) is open for membership! Please, visit the Center’s website at

The Center mission is the curation, creation and dissemination of health data manually annotated by experts. Yes, this includes de-identified clinical narrative from the Electronic Medical Records!

As you know, with the support of federal projects we have created rich resources of clinical text annotated with different layers by domain experts – syntactic parses, semantic roles, entities, relations between entities, coreference, temporal relations. You probably have seen many of these corpora referred to in various papers – ODIE, THYME, MiPACQ, ShARe, SHARP – and some of you have used them in the shared tasks we have organized within ShARe-CLEF and SemEval. These resources have allowed the community to develop, evaluate open-source task-specific computational methods for NLP and information extraction and to advance tremendously the state of clinical NLP. We thank you for your support so far!

Now through the Center these resources can be distributed in a cohesive and practical fashion. The Center's business model is fee-based similar to that of the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). The membership fees for academic labs are similar to the fees of the LDC, with the qualification that users have to be named for Data Use Agreement purposes.

Visit the Center website at and let us know if you have questions/feedback/ideas – we would love to hear from you! And apply for membership!

Feel free to forward this email to whoever might be interested in the Center activities.

Thank you for your support in this very important initiative!!


Guergana Savova, Noemie Elhadad, Martha Palmer, James Masanz