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  • ACL = Association for Computational Linguistics
  • ACTFL = American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
  • ADJ = Adjective
  • AF = Anglo-French
  • AFNLP = Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing
  • AI = Artificial Intelligence
  • AL = Artificial Language
  • ALPAC = Automated Language Processing Advisory Committee
  • ALPS = Automated Language Processing System
  • ART = Article
  • AS = Anglo-Saxon
  • ASL = American Sign Language
  • ASR = Automatic Speech Recognition
  • AUX = Auxiliary Verb/Auxiliary


  • BE = Black English/Bilingual Education
  • BEV = Black English Vernacular
  • BICS = Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills


  • CALL = Computer-Assisted Language Learning
  • CALP = Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
  • CAT = Computer Assisted/Aided Translation
  • CED = Collins English Dictionary
  • CCG = Combinatory Categorial Grammar
  • ChE = Chicano English
  • CHILDES = Child Language Data Exchange System
  • CL = Computational Linguistics
  • CLD = Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
  • COBUILD = Collins Birmingham University International Language Database
  • COLING = International Conference on Computational Linguistics
  • CSL = Chinese Sign Language
  • CULT = Chinese Universty Language Translator


  • DAF = Delayed Auditory Feedback
  • DBE = Developmental Bilingual Education
  • DET = Determiner
  • DRS = Discourse Representation Structure
  • DRT = Discourse Representation Theory


  • EACL = European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
  • EBMT = Example-based machine translation
  • EFL = English as a Foreign Language
  • ELL = English Language Learner
  • ESL = English as a Second Language
  • ESOL = English for Speakers of Other Languages
  • EURALEX = European Association for Lexicography


  • F = French
  • FAHQMT = Fully Automated High-Quality Machine Translation
  • FL = Foreign Language
  • FLES = Foreign Language in Elementary Schools
  • FLL = Foreign-Language Learning
  • FLT = Foreign-Language Teaching


  • G = German


  • HAMT = Human Assisted/Aided Machine Translation
  • HILT = High Intensity Language Training
  • HLS = Home Language Survey
  • HLT = Human Language Technologies
  • HPSG = Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar


  • ICAME = International Computer Archive of Modern English
  • IE = Indo-European
  • IEP = Intensive English Program
  • IPA = International Phonetic Alphabet
  • IR = Information Retrieval
  • IST = Information Society Technologies
  • ISV = International Scientific Vocabulary


  • KR = Knowledge Representation


  • L = Latin
  • L1,L2 = First Language, Second Language
  • LAD = Language Acquisition Device
  • LARSP = Language Assessment, Remediation, and Screening Procedure
  • LFG = Lexical Functional Grammar
  • LG = Low German
  • LL = Late Latin
  • LSA = Latent Semantic Analysis; Linguistics Society of America


  • MAHT = Machine Assised/Aided Human Translation
  • MD = Middle Dutch
  • ME = Middle English
  • MF = Middle French
  • MHG = Middle High German
  • ML = Medieval Latin
  • MLA = Modern Language Association
  • MLG = Middle Low German
  • MLU = Mean Length of Utterance(s)
  • MPD = Merriam-Webster Pocket Dicionary
  • MRD = Machine-Readable Dictionary
  • MT = Mechanical Translation/Machine Translation
  • MW = Middle Welsh


  • NAACL = North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
  • NCLRC = National Capital Language Resource Center
  • NE = Named Entity
  • NEALT = Northern European Association for Language Technology
  • NER = Named Entity Recognition
  • NL = New Latin
  • NLG = Natural Language Generation
  • NLP = Natural Language Processing
  • NLU = Natural Language Understanding
  • NML = National Museum of Language
  • NP = Noun Phrase


  • OALD = Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  • OCS = Old Church Slavic
  • OE = Old English
  • OED = Oxford English Dictionary
  • OF = Old French
  • OHG = Old High German
  • OL = Old Latin
  • ON = Old Norse
  • OS = Old Saxon
  • OW = Old Welsh


  • PGSS = Paget-Gorman Sign System
  • POS = Part of Speech
  • POV = Point of View
  • PP = Prepositional Phrase
  • PSG = Phrase Structure Grammar


  • RT = Response Time/Reaction Time
  • RTE = Recognising Textual Entailment


  • SAE = Standard American English
  • SL = Second Language
  • SLA = Second Language Acquisition
  • SLT = Spoken Language Translation
  • SNS = Spanish for Native Speakers
  • SPL = Sound Pressure Level
  • SSL = Spanish as a Second Language


  • TAG = Tree-Adjoining Grammar
  • TG = Transformational Grammar
  • TINLAP = Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing
  • TLA = Three-letter acronym
  • TMI = Theoretical and Methodological Issues (in Machine Translation)


  • UG = Universal Grammar
  • UPSID = University of California, Los Angeles, Phonological Segment Inventory Database


  • VL = Vulgar Latin
  • VOT = Voice Onset Time
  • VP = Verb Phrase


  • W = Welsh
  • W3I = Merriam-Webster Third International Dictionary
  • W7 = Merriam-Webster Seventh Collegiate Dictionary (Generally, Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Nth Edition)
  • WSD = Word Sense Disambiguation