EMNLP 2016: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing — November 1–5, 2016 — Austin, Texas, USA.


SIGDAT, the Association for Computational Linguistics special interest group on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP, invites you to participate in EMNLP 2016.

The conference will be held on November 1–5, 2016 (Tue–Sat) in Austin, Texas, USA.

Best Paper Awards

Best Paper

Improving Information Extraction by Acquiring External Evidence with Reinforcement Learning

Karthik Narasimhan, Adam Yala and Regina Barzilay

Global Neural CCG Parsing with Optimality Guarantees

Kenton Lee, Mike Lewis and Luke Zettlemoyer

Honorable Mention for Best Paper

Span-Based Constituency Parsing with a Structure-Label System and Provably Optimal Dynamic Oracles

James Cross and Liang Huang

Sequence-to-Sequence Learning as Beam-Search Optimization

Sam Wiseman and Alexander M. Rush

Best Short Paper

Learning a Lexicon and Translation Model from Phoneme Lattices

Oliver Adams, Graham Neubig, Trevor Cohn, Steven Bird, Quoc Truong Do and Satoshi Nakamura

Best Resource Paper

SQuAD: 100,000+ Questions for Machine Comprehension of Text

Pranav Rajpurkar, Jian Zhang, Konstantin Lopyrev and Percy Liang

Best Paper Committee

Best Paper & Honorable Mention: Stephen Clark, Hal Daumé III, Chris Dyer, and Julia Hockenmaier
Best Short Paper: Stefan Riezler, Anoop Sarkar, and Noah Smith
Best Data Set Paper: Eneko Agirre, Mirella Lapata and Sebastian Riedel
Chair: Xavier Carreras and Kevin Duh