Exhibits Chair Duties

The Exhibits Chair is responsible for assembling the exhibit that takes place in parallel to the main theoretical conference program. Typically, exhibits are presented by companies, since the exhibit setup costs money. The chair’s duties include approaching likely companies, coordinating their exhibits, locating and retaining a local pipe-and-drape setup company, dealing with insurance if such is required, assembling from exhibitors whatever descriptions are needed for the conference program, making sure that exhibitors’ display requirements are conveyed to the Local Arrangements Chair, etc.

In some conferences, the Exhibits Chair is a paid position; see financing the exhibits.

The Exhibits Chair should work very closely with the General, Local, and Program Chairs, to coordinate the time, exhibit space, and financial aspects.


The Exhibits Chair must perform the following duties.

1. Advertise the exhibit:

2. Bring in and work with exhibitors: 3. Finance and bookkeeping 4. Plan the exhibition infrastructure: 5. Plan the layout of the exhibition: 6. Create publications: 7. Be present during the conference: 8. Finalize everything after the conference Author: Eduard Hovy, 2000.