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[http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=SIG_Creation_Guidelines ACL SIG Guidelines]
== Guidelines ==
;''' SIGANN:'''
[http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=SIG_Creation_Guidelines ACL SIG Creation Guidelines]
* [http://www.cs.vassar.edu/sigann/ website] [http://www.cs.vassar.edu/sigann/SIGANN-constitution.txt constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGANN 2011 report]
* Contacts: Nancy Ide, Adam Meyers: ide at cs.vassar.edu, meyers at cs.nyu.edu
* Last election: 2009
; '''SIGBioMed:'''
== List of SIGs ==
* [http://www.sigbiomed.org/ website] [http://www.sigbiomed.org/r02.01.11/index.php?title=BioMed_SIG_Constitution constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGBioMed 2011 report]
* Contacts: Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, Dina Demner-Fushman: Kevin.Cohen at gmail.com, ddemner at gmail.com
* Last election: 2009
=== SIGANN: SIG for annotation ===
* [http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~yarowsky/sigdat.html website] [http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~yarowsky/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGDAT 2011 report]
* Contacts: Yuji Matsumoto, Noah Smith
* Last election:  2011
        '''web page''': http://www.cs.vassar.edu/sigann
* [http://www.sigdial.org/ website] [http://www.sigdial.org/constitution.php constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGDIAL 2011 report]
        '''contacts''': president Nancy Ide (ide@cs.vassar.edu),
* Contacts: Tim Paek, Kristiina Jokinen: timpaek at microsoft.com, Kristiina_dot_Jokinen_at_helsinki_dot_fi
                  secretary Adam Meyers (meyers@cs.nyu.edu)
* Last election: 2010
        '''members''': 220
        '''elections (last, next)''': Sep. 2014, Sep. 2017
        '''events''': LAW VIII at COLING 2014, LAW IX at NAACL-HLT 2015, LAW X at ACL 2016
* [https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/KitWiki/SIGFSM website]
* Contacts: Anssi Yli-Jyra, Laurette Pretorius: anssi.yli-jyra at helsinki.fi, pretol@unisa.ac.za
* Last election: 2010
=== SIGBioMed: SIG for biomedical natural language processing ===
* [http://www.siggen.org/ website] [http://www.siggen.org/discussion/constitution/index.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGGEN 2008 report]
* Contacts: Ielka van der Sluis,  Kristina Striegnitz : ielka.vandersluis at scss.tcd.ie, striegnk at union.edu
* Last election: 2010
        '''web page''': http://aclweb.org/aclwiki/index.php?title=SIGBIOMED
* [http://www.sighan.org/ website] [http://www.sighan.org/constitution.htm constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGHAN 2008 report]
        '''contacts''': chair Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (Kevin.Cohen@gmail.com),
* Contacts: Hsin-hsi CHEN, Gina-Anne LEVOW:  hhchen at ntu.edu.tw, levow at uw.edu
                  secretary Dina Demner-Fushman (ddemner@gmail.com)
* Last election: 2011
        '''members''': 112
* ''constitution requires elections every two years; was one held in 2008? It is not clear from the website when Dan takes over from Benjamin as chair''
        '''elections (last, next)''': Aug. 2013, June 2016 (?)
        '''events''': BioNLP workshops at ACL 2013, ACL 2014 and ACL 2015
=== SIGDAT: SIG for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP ===
* Contacts: Caroline Sporleder csporled at coli.uni-sb.de
        '''web page''': http://www.sigdat.org/
* [http://www.siglex.org/ website] [http://www.clres.com/SIGLEX%20Constitution.htm constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGLEX 2008 report]
        '''contacts''': president Mark Steedman (steedman@inf.ed.ac.uk)
* Contacts: Diana McCarthy, Eneko Agirre: dianam at sussex.ac.uk, e.agirre at ehu.es
                  vice president Pascale Fung (pascale@ece.ust.hk)
* Last election: 2010
                  secretary Chris Callison-Burch
        '''members''': approx. 1000
        '''elections (last, next)''': 2015, 2016
        '''events''': EMNLP Sep. 2015, EMNLP Oct. 2016
=== SIGdial: SIG on discourse and dialogue ===
* [http://molweb.org/ website] [http://molweb.org/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGMOL 2011 report]
* Contacts: András Kornai, Marco Kuhlmann: kornai at iq.harvard.edu, marco.kuhlmann at lingfil.uu.se
* Last election: 2012
        '''web page''': http://www.sigdial.org
* [http://www.sigmorphon.org/ website] [http://salad.cs.swarthmore.edu/sigphon/constitution.php constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGMORPHON 2008 report]
        '''contacts''': president Amanda Stent (Amanda.Stent@gmail.com),
* Contacts: Jason Eisner, Rich Wicentowski: jason at cs.jhu.edu, richardw at cs.swarthmore.edu
                  vice president Jason Williams,
* Last election: 2010
                  secretary-treasurer Kristiina Jokinen (Kristiina.Jokinen@helsinki.fi)
        '''members''': 565
        '''elections (last, next)''': Feb. 2015; Feb. 2017
        '''events''': annual conference Sep. 2015, annual conference Sep. 2016
=== SIGFSM: SIG on finite state methods and models in natural language processing ===
* Newly formed; no elections yet
* Contacts: Philipp Koehn: pkoehn at inf.ed.ac.uk
        '''web page''': http://www.aclweb.org/aclwiki/index.php?title=SIGFSM
* [http://ifarm.nl/signll/ website] [http://ifarm.nl/signll/about/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGNLL 2008 report]
        '''contacts''': president Andreas Maletti (andreas.maletti@ims.uni-stuttgart.de),
* Contacts: Alexander Clark,  Xavier Carreras: alexc at cs.rhul.ac.uk, carreras at lsi.upc.edu
                  secretary Mans Hulden (mhulden@email.arizona.edu)
* Last election: 2011
        '''members''': 102
        '''elections (last, next)''': Jan. 2016, autumn 2018
        '''events''': ACL workshop jointly with SIGMORPHON in 2014; FSMNLP June 2015; ACL workshop StatFSM in 2016; FSMNLP in 2017
=== SIGGEN: SIG on natural language generation ===
* [http://slpat.org/ website] [http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~charlieg/slpat/constitution.html constitution]
*Contacts: Kathleen McCoy, Brian Roark: mccoy at cis.udel.edu, roarkb at ohsu.edu
        '''web page''': http://www.siggen.org
* [http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/sigparse/ website] [http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/sigparse/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGPARSE 2008 report]
        '''contacts''': chair Claire Gardent (Claire.Gardent@loria.fr),
* Contacts: Alon Lavie: alavie at cs.cmu.edu
                  secretary Albert Gatt (albert.gatt@um.edu.mt)
* Last election: 2008
        '''members''': 389
        '''elections (last, next)''': Dec 2014, end of 2016
        '''events''': ENLG 2015 (endorsed), Data2Text workshop 2015 (endorsed), WebNLG 2016 (endorsed), CC-NLG 2016 (endorsed)
=== SIGHAN: SIG on Chinese language ===
* [http://www.sigsem.org/ website] [http://www.sigsem.org/wiki/SIGSEM:About constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGSEM 2008 report]
* Contacts: Johan Bos, Katrin Erk: bos at meaningfactory.com, katrin.erk at mail.utexas.edu. Other contacts at http://www.sigsem.org/wiki/Contact
* Last election: 2010
        '''web page''': http://www.sighan.org
* [http://www.semitic.tk/ website] [http://cl.haifa.ac.il/semitic/constitution.shtml constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIG_Semitic 2008 report]
        '''contacts''': chair Min Zhang (zhangminmt@hotmail.com),
* Contacts: Mona Diab, Reut Tsarfaty: mdiab at ccls.columbia.edu, reut.tsarfaty at gmail.com
                  secretary Gina-Anne Levow (levow@u.washington.edu)
* Last election: 2011
        '''members''': 210
        '''elections (last, next)''': April 2016, April 2018
        '''events''': CIPS-SIGHAN Oct. 2014, SIGHAN Workshop July 2015, CIP-SIGHAN Nov. 2016
=== SIGHUM: SIG on language technologies for the socio-economic sciences and the humanities ===
* [http://www.sigwac.org.uk/ website] [http://www.sigwac.org.uk/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/constitution.txt?format=raw constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2008Q3_Reports:_SIGWAC 2008 report]
* Contacts: Serge Sharoff, Marco Baroni: s.sharoff at leeds.ac.uk, marco.baroni at unitn.it
        '''web page''': https://sighum.wordpress.com/events
* Last election: 2008
        '''contacts''': president Caroline Sporleder (csporleder@coli.uni-sb.de),
                  secretary Kalliopi Zervanou (kzervanou@yahoo.co.uk)
        '''members''': 132
        '''elections (last, next)''': Oct. 2015; Oct. 2017
        '''events''': LaTeCH 2014 at EACL, LaTeCH 2015 at ACL
=== SIGLEX: SIG on the lexicon ===
        '''web page''': http://www.siglex.org
        '''contacts''': president Mona Diab (mtdiab@gwu.edu),
                  secretary Anna Korhonen (alk23@cam.ac.uk)
        '''members''': 649
        '''elections (last, next)''': Aug. 2013, June 2016
        '''events''': STARSEM 2015 (jointly with SIGSEM), co-located with NAACL 2015; MUMTTT 2015 (endorsed) at EUROPHRAS 2015
=== SIGMOL: SIG on mathematics of language ===
        '''web page''': http://www.molweb.org
        '''contacts''': president Makoto Kanazawa (kanazawa@nii.ac.jp),
                  vice president Marco Kuhlmann (marco.kuhlmann@liu.se)
        '''members''': 282
        '''elections (last, next)''': Feb. 2016, early year 2018
        '''events''': meeting on Mathematics of Language 2015, co-located with the 2015 Linguistic Institute at the University of Chicago
=== SIGMORPHON: SIG for computational morphology, phonology, and phonetics ===
        '''web page''': http://sigmorphon.org/
        '''contacts''': president Jason Eisner (jason@cs.jhu.edu),
                  secretary Greg Kondrak (gkondrak@ualberta.ca)
        '''members''': 150
        '''elections (last, next)''': Feb. 2014, Feb. 2016
        '''events''': no event in 2015, next in 2016
=== SIGMT: SIG for machine translation ===
        '''web page''': http://www.sigmt.org
        '''contacts''': president Philipp Koehn (phi@jhu.edu, pkoehn@inf.ed.ac.uk),
                  secretary David Chiang (dchiang@nd.edu)
        '''members''': 152
        '''elections (last, next)''': none in the past; fall 2016
        '''events''': workshop on MT and workshop on SSST, each year
=== SIGNLL: SIG on natural language learning ===
        '''web page''': http://www.signll.org
        '''contacts''': president Xavier Carreras (carreras@cs.upc.edu),
                  secretary Julia Hockenmaier (juliahmr@illinois.edu)
        '''members''': 350
        '''elections (last, next)''': June 2014, June 2016
        '''events''': CoNLL every year; CoNLL-2015 co-located with ACL-2015
=== SIGPARSE: SIG on parsing ===
        '''web page''': http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sigparse
        '''contacts''': president Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie (Eric.De_La_Clergerie@inria.fr),
                  secretary Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no)
        '''members''': 219
        '''elections (last, next)''': April 2016; Jan. 2019
        '''events''': IWPT 2015; SPMRL 2015 (endorsed), co-located with IWPT 2015; next IWPT 2017
=== SIGSEM: SIG on computational semantics ===
        '''web page''': http://www.sigsem.org
        '''contacts''': president Johan Bos (johan.bos@rug.nl),
                  secretary Katrin Erk (katrin.erk@mail.utexas.edu)
        '''members''': 877
        '''elections (last, next)''': Oct. 2013; 2016
        '''events''': STARSEM 2014; IWCS 2015; STARSEM 2015 (jointly with SIGLEX), co-located with NACL 2015
=== SIG SEMITIC: SIG on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages (not fully updated) ===
        '''web page''': http://cl.haifa.ac.il/semitic/index.shtml
        '''contacts''': chair Mona Diab (mtdiab@gwu.edu),
                  secretary Reut Tsarfaty (reut.tsarfaty@gmail.com)
        '''members''': 245
        '''elections (last, next)''': Dec. 2014; 2016
        '''events''': shared task on statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages (SPMRL'13 co-located with EMNLP 2013)
=== SIGSLAV: SIG on Slavic Natural Language Processing ===
        '''web page''': http://sigslav.cs.helsinki.fi/index.html
        '''contacts''': chair Jakub Piskorski (jpiskorski@googlemail.com)
                  secretary Jan Šnajder (jan.snajder@fer.hr)
        '''members''': 100
        '''elections (last, next)''': first election end of 2016
        '''events''': BSNLP 2015
=== SIGSLPAT: SIG on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies ===
        '''web page''': http://www.slpat.org
        '''contacts''': president Frank Rudzicz (frank@cs.toronto.edu),
                  secretary-treasurer François Portet (francois.portet@imag.fr)
        '''members''': 141
        '''elections (last, next)''': fall 2014, fall 2016
        '''events''': SLPAT15, SLPAT16 at Interspeech 2016, RaPID 2016
=== SIGUR: SIG on Uralic languages ===
        '''web page''': http://gtweb.uit.no/sigur
        '''contacts''': chair Tommi A. Pirinen (tommi.antero.pirinen@uni-hamburg.de),
                  secretary Francis Tyers (ftyers@prompsit.com)
        '''members''': 38
        '''elections (last, next)''': Jan. 2016, winter 2017/8 (?)
        '''events''': IWCLUL, Jan. 2017
=== SIGWAC: SIG on web as corpus ===
        '''web page''': http://www.sigwac.org.uk
        '''contacts''': Roland Schäfer (roland.schaefer@fu-berlin.de)
                  secretary Egon W. Stemle (egon.stemle@eurac.edu)
        '''members''': 175
        '''elections (last, next)''': July 2015; July 2018
        '''events''': WAC10 at eLex 2015, Aug. 2015 (cancelled); WAC-X at ACL 2016

Revision as of 21:33, 17 September 2016


ACL SIG Creation Guidelines

List of SIGs

SIGANN: SIG for annotation

       web page: http://www.cs.vassar.edu/sigann
       contacts: president Nancy Ide (ide@cs.vassar.edu),
                 secretary Adam Meyers (meyers@cs.nyu.edu)
       members: 220
       elections (last, next): Sep. 2014, Sep. 2017
       events: LAW VIII at COLING 2014, LAW IX at NAACL-HLT 2015, LAW X at ACL 2016

SIGBioMed: SIG for biomedical natural language processing

       web page: http://aclweb.org/aclwiki/index.php?title=SIGBIOMED
       contacts: chair Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (Kevin.Cohen@gmail.com),
                 secretary Dina Demner-Fushman (ddemner@gmail.com)
       members: 112
       elections (last, next): Aug. 2013, June 2016 (?)
       events: BioNLP workshops at ACL 2013, ACL 2014 and ACL 2015

SIGDAT: SIG for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP

       web page: http://www.sigdat.org/
       contacts: president Mark Steedman (steedman@inf.ed.ac.uk)
                 vice president Pascale Fung (pascale@ece.ust.hk)
                 secretary Chris Callison-Burch 
       members: approx. 1000
       elections (last, next): 2015, 2016
       events: EMNLP Sep. 2015, EMNLP Oct. 2016

SIGdial: SIG on discourse and dialogue

       web page: http://www.sigdial.org
       contacts: president Amanda Stent (Amanda.Stent@gmail.com),
                 vice president Jason Williams,
                 secretary-treasurer Kristiina Jokinen (Kristiina.Jokinen@helsinki.fi)
       members: 565
       elections (last, next): Feb. 2015; Feb. 2017
       events: annual conference Sep. 2015, annual conference Sep. 2016

SIGFSM: SIG on finite state methods and models in natural language processing

       web page: http://www.aclweb.org/aclwiki/index.php?title=SIGFSM
       contacts: president Andreas Maletti (andreas.maletti@ims.uni-stuttgart.de),
                 secretary Mans Hulden (mhulden@email.arizona.edu)
       members: 102
       elections (last, next): Jan. 2016, autumn 2018
       events: ACL workshop jointly with SIGMORPHON in 2014; FSMNLP June 2015; ACL workshop StatFSM in 2016; FSMNLP in 2017 

SIGGEN: SIG on natural language generation

       web page: http://www.siggen.org
       contacts: chair Claire Gardent (Claire.Gardent@loria.fr),
                 secretary Albert Gatt (albert.gatt@um.edu.mt)
       members: 389
       elections (last, next): Dec 2014, end of 2016
       events: ENLG 2015 (endorsed), Data2Text workshop 2015 (endorsed), WebNLG 2016 (endorsed), CC-NLG 2016 (endorsed)

SIGHAN: SIG on Chinese language

       web page: http://www.sighan.org
       contacts: chair Min Zhang (zhangminmt@hotmail.com),
                 secretary Gina-Anne Levow (levow@u.washington.edu)
       members: 210
       elections (last, next): April 2016, April 2018
       events: CIPS-SIGHAN Oct. 2014, SIGHAN Workshop July 2015, CIP-SIGHAN Nov. 2016

SIGHUM: SIG on language technologies for the socio-economic sciences and the humanities

       web page: https://sighum.wordpress.com/events
       contacts: president Caroline Sporleder (csporleder@coli.uni-sb.de),
                 secretary Kalliopi Zervanou (kzervanou@yahoo.co.uk)
       members: 132
       elections (last, next): Oct. 2015; Oct. 2017
       events: LaTeCH 2014 at EACL, LaTeCH 2015 at ACL

SIGLEX: SIG on the lexicon

       web page: http://www.siglex.org
       contacts: president Mona Diab (mtdiab@gwu.edu),
                 secretary Anna Korhonen (alk23@cam.ac.uk)
       members: 649
       elections (last, next): Aug. 2013, June 2016
       events: STARSEM 2015 (jointly with SIGSEM), co-located with NAACL 2015; MUMTTT 2015 (endorsed) at EUROPHRAS 2015

SIGMOL: SIG on mathematics of language

       web page: http://www.molweb.org
       contacts: president Makoto Kanazawa (kanazawa@nii.ac.jp),
                 vice president Marco Kuhlmann (marco.kuhlmann@liu.se)
       members: 282
       elections (last, next): Feb. 2016, early year 2018
       events: meeting on Mathematics of Language 2015, co-located with the 2015 Linguistic Institute at the University of Chicago

SIGMORPHON: SIG for computational morphology, phonology, and phonetics

       web page: http://sigmorphon.org/
       contacts: president Jason Eisner (jason@cs.jhu.edu),
                 secretary Greg Kondrak (gkondrak@ualberta.ca)
       members: 150
       elections (last, next): Feb. 2014, Feb. 2016
       events: no event in 2015, next in 2016

SIGMT: SIG for machine translation

       web page: http://www.sigmt.org
       contacts: president Philipp Koehn (phi@jhu.edu, pkoehn@inf.ed.ac.uk),
                 secretary David Chiang (dchiang@nd.edu)
       members: 152
       elections (last, next): none in the past; fall 2016
       events: workshop on MT and workshop on SSST, each year

SIGNLL: SIG on natural language learning

       web page: http://www.signll.org
       contacts: president Xavier Carreras (carreras@cs.upc.edu),
                 secretary Julia Hockenmaier (juliahmr@illinois.edu)
       members: 350
       elections (last, next): June 2014, June 2016
       events: CoNLL every year; CoNLL-2015 co-located with ACL-2015

SIGPARSE: SIG on parsing

       web page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sigparse
       contacts: president Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie (Eric.De_La_Clergerie@inria.fr),
                 secretary Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no)
       members: 219
       elections (last, next): April 2016; Jan. 2019 
       events: IWPT 2015; SPMRL 2015 (endorsed), co-located with IWPT 2015; next IWPT 2017

SIGSEM: SIG on computational semantics

       web page: http://www.sigsem.org
       contacts: president Johan Bos (johan.bos@rug.nl),
                 secretary Katrin Erk (katrin.erk@mail.utexas.edu)
       members: 877
       elections (last, next): Oct. 2013; 2016
       events: STARSEM 2014; IWCS 2015; STARSEM 2015 (jointly with SIGLEX), co-located with NACL 2015

SIG SEMITIC: SIG on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages (not fully updated)

       web page: http://cl.haifa.ac.il/semitic/index.shtml
       contacts: chair Mona Diab (mtdiab@gwu.edu),
                 secretary Reut Tsarfaty (reut.tsarfaty@gmail.com)
       members: 245
       elections (last, next): Dec. 2014; 2016
       events: shared task on statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages (SPMRL'13 co-located with EMNLP 2013)

SIGSLAV: SIG on Slavic Natural Language Processing

       web page: http://sigslav.cs.helsinki.fi/index.html
       contacts: chair Jakub Piskorski (jpiskorski@googlemail.com)
                 secretary Jan Šnajder (jan.snajder@fer.hr)
       members: 100
       elections (last, next): first election end of 2016
       events: BSNLP 2015

SIGSLPAT: SIG on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies

       web page: http://www.slpat.org
       contacts: president Frank Rudzicz (frank@cs.toronto.edu),
                 secretary-treasurer François Portet (francois.portet@imag.fr)
       members: 141
       elections (last, next): fall 2014, fall 2016
       events: SLPAT15, SLPAT16 at Interspeech 2016, RaPID 2016

SIGUR: SIG on Uralic languages

       web page: http://gtweb.uit.no/sigur
       contacts: chair Tommi A. Pirinen (tommi.antero.pirinen@uni-hamburg.de),
                 secretary Francis Tyers (ftyers@prompsit.com)
       members: 38
       elections (last, next): Jan. 2016, winter 2017/8 (?)
       events: IWCLUL, Jan. 2017

SIGWAC: SIG on web as corpus

       web page: http://www.sigwac.org.uk
       contacts: Roland Schäfer (roland.schaefer@fu-berlin.de)
                 secretary Egon W. Stemle (egon.stemle@eurac.edu)
       members: 175
       elections (last, next): July 2015; July 2018
       events: WAC10 at eLex 2015, Aug. 2015 (cancelled); WAC-X at ACL 2016