SIG Compliance

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ACL SIG Creation Guidelines

List of SIGs

SIGANN: SIG for annotation

       web page: 
       contacts: president Nancy Ide (, secretary Adam Meyers ( 
       members: 250
       elections (last, next): Sep. 2014, Sep. 2017 
       events: LAW IX at NAACL-HLT 2015; LAW X at ACL 2016; LAW XI at EACL 2017

SIGBioMed: SIG for biomedical natural language processing

       web page:
       contacts: chair Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (,
                 secretary Dina Demner-Fushman (
       members: 112
       elections (last, next): June 2016, June-July 2019
       events: BioNLP workshops at ACL 2015, ACL 2016 and ACL 2017

SIGDAT: SIG for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP

       web page:
       contacts:  president Pascale Fung (, vice president Mirella Lapata (, VP elect Jian Su  <>, secretary-treasurer Chris Callison-Burch (
       members: approx. 1200
       elections (last, next): December 2016, December 2017
       events: EMNLP every year

SIGdial: SIG on discourse and dialogue

       web page:
       contacts: president Jason Williams (,
                 secretary-treasurer Kristiina Jokinen (
       members: 575
       elections (last, next): Feb. 2017, Feb. 2019
       events: annual conference at Interspeech 2015; annual conference at Interspeech 2016; annual conference (co-located with SemDial) at Interspeech 2017

SIGEDU: SIG on building educational applications

       web page: TBA
       contacts: president Joel Tetreault (, secretary Helen Yannakoudakis (
       members: 106
       elections (first): Dec. 2017 
       events: Annual Workshop on Innovative Uses of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA); 10th BEA at NAACL 2015; 11th BEA at NAACL 2016; 12th BEA at EMNLP 2017

SIGFSM: SIG on finite state methods and models in natural language processing

       web page:
       contacts: president Andreas Maletti (,
                 secretary Mans Hulden (
       members: 106
       elections (last, next): April 2016, Autumn 2018 
       events: FSMNLP 2017 (Umea, Sweden), FSMNLP 2019 (Dresden, Germany), FSMNLP 2021 (Stellenbosch, South Africa)

SIGGEN: SIG on natural language generation

       web page:
       contacts: chair Claire Gardent (,
                 secretary Dimitra Gkatzia (
       members: 425
       elections (last, next): December 2016, December 2018 
       events: WebNLG 2016 (endorsed); CC-NLG 2016 (endorsed); INLG 2016; INLG 2017

SIGHAN: SIG on Chinese language

       web page: 
       contacts: chair Min Zhang (,
                 secretary Gina-Anne Levow (
       members: 210
       elections (last, next): April 2016, April 2018
       events: CIPS-SIGHAN 2014; SIGHAN Workshop 2015; SIGHAN Workshop 2017 at IJCNLP 2017

SIGHUM: SIG on language technologies for the socio-economic sciences and the humanities

       web page:
       contacts: president Caroline Sporleder (,
                 secretary Kalliopi Zervanou (
       members: 132
       elections (last, next): Oct. 2015, Oct. 2017
       events:  LaTeCH at ACL 2015, ACL 2016; LaTeCH-CLfL at ACL 2017

SIGLEX: SIG on the lexicon

       web page:
       contacts: president Anna Korhonen (, secretary Preslav Nakov (
       members: 727
       elections (last, next): June 2016, June 2019 
       events: Annual *SEM conference (jointly with SIGSEM) at NAACL 2015, ACL 2016, ACL 2017; Annual SemEval workshop at NAACL 2015, NAACL 2016, ACL 2017

SIGMOL: SIG on mathematics of language

       web page:
       contacts: president Philippe de Groote (, vice president Makoto Kanazawa (, 
       members: 274
       elections (last, next): Feb. 2016, early 2018
       events: meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL) 2015, co-located with the 2015 Linguistic Institute at the University of Chicago; MOL 2017, co-located with the 24th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation at University College, London

SIGMORPHON: SIG for computational morphology, phonology, and phonetics

        web page:
       contacts: president Jason Eisner (,
                 secretary Garett Nicolai (
       members: 145
       elections (last, next): Feb. 2017, Dec. 2018
       events: SIGMORPHON workshop at ACL 2016 including first shared task (Morphological Reinflection); the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 shared task (Universal Morphological Reinflection) at ACL 2017; SIGMORPHON at EMNLP 2018; the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 shared task at EMNLP 2018;

SIGMT: SIG for machine translation

       web page:
       contacts: president Philipp Koehn (,,
                 secretary David Chiang (
       members: 152
       elections (last): none in the past
       events: WMT conference and SSST workshop each year

SIGNLL: SIG on natural language learning

       web page:
       contacts:  president Julia Hockenmaier ( , secretary Suzanne Stevenson (
       members: 364
       elections (last, next): August 2016, August 2018 
       events: CoNLL every year; CoNLL-2017 co-located with ACL

SIGPARSE: SIG on parsing

       web page:
       contacts: president Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie (,
                 secretary Stephan Oepen (
       members: 256
       elections (last, next): April 2016, Jan. 2019 
       events:IWPT 2015; SPMRL 2015 (endorsed) co-located with IWPT 2015; IWPT 2017 co-located with DepLing

SIGSEM: SIG on computational semantics

       web page:
       contacts: president Katrin Erk (,
                 secretary Raffaella Bernardi (
       members: 800
       elections (last): Spring 2017
       events: IWCS 2015, IWCS 2017; Annual *SEM conference (jointly with SIGLEX) at NAACL 2015, ACL 2016, ACL 2017

SIG SEMITIC: SIG on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages (not fully updated)

       web page:
       contacts: chair Mona Diab (,
                 secretary Reut Tsarfaty (
       members: 245
       elections (last): Dec. 2014
       events: shared task on statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages at SPMRL 2013 (co-located with EMNLP 2013) and SPMRL-SANCL 2014 (co-located with COLING 2014)

SIGSLAV: SIG on Slavic Natural Language Processing

       web page:
       contacts: chair Tomaz Erjavec (
                 secretary Preslav Nakov (
       members: 110
       elections: first election Winter 2017
       events: BSNLP at RANLP 2015; BSNLP at EACL 2017; Shared Task on Multilingual Named-entity Recognition and Cross-language Name Matching (loosely linked to BSNLP 2017)

SIGSLPAT: SIG on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies

       web page:
       contacts: president Frank Rudzicz (, secretary-treasurer Emily Prud'hommeaux (
       elections (last, next): Fall 2016, Fall 2018
        members: 150
       events: SLPAT15 at Interspeech 2015; SLPAT16 at Interspeech 2016; RaPID at LREC 2016

SIGUR: SIG on Uralic languages

       web page:
       contacts: chair Tommi A. Pirinen (,
                 secretary Francis Tyers (
       members: 45
       elections (last, next): Jan. 2016, Jan. 2018
       events: IWCLUL 2017

SIGWAC: SIG on web as corpus

       web page:
       contacts: Roland Schäfer (
                 secretary Egon W. Stemle (
       members: 178
       elections (last, next): July 2015, July 2018
       events: WAC-X at ACL 2016; WAC-XI at Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017