2021Q1 Minutes (public version)

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1. ACL Ethics (30mins)

(1) Formation of an ethics committee (Rada)

(2) Ethics policy reforcement and reporting (Colin)

(3) Ethics expectations for ACL fellows (Tim)

Todo: Rada and Tim will coordinate the Ethics Committee.

Some questions to be considered by the committee, in addition to the items that have already been considered:

(1) The relation / difference between the ethics committee and PCC.

(2) Make it clear how to report the ethics cases and what will happen after reporting the cases.

(3) Ethics expectations for ACL fellows, LTA/DSA recipients, and exec members.

2. Consistency across conferences (20mins)

(1) Proposal for consistent policies across *ACL conferences (Hinrich)

(2) Consistency across the awards at *ACL conferences (Rada)

Todo: Hinrich will move a motion to the exec.

Some main concerns: 1. Consistency of the same conference across years is as important as (or even more important than) the consistency across different conferences. 2. Should leave some room to the different conferences for their own innovations.

3. Review data collection at *ACL (Iryna) (15mins)

Todo: Iryna will move a motion to the Exec for a formal vote on the proposal.

4. An inquiry for setting up an ACL policy on efficient and green NLP (Iryna) (15mins)

Todo: Iryna will coordinate a working group. Besides the current people working on the policy, more members will be invited to the working group, especially: (1) people from Asia/Pacific region, for a better diversity, and (2) people from the industry.

5. ACL sponsorship COI policy (Colin) (15min)

6. PCC topics (Graeme, Emily) (20mins)