2011Q1 Reports: Summer School

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Ken Church talked with Prof. Maosong Sun from Tshinghua University during COLING last year. Maosong agreed to be a chair.

Location: TBD. Possibilities: (1) Tsinghua University, (2) Beijing Language and Culture University and (3) Harbin Institute of Technology.

- Need to invite a co-chair.

- Sponsorships & Local Support: CIPS (Chinese Information Processing Society of China) agreed to support the summer school. Some local professors also promised to give their support to us.

- Haifeng talked with Dr. Ming Zhou from Microsoft (MSRA). Ming agreed to support the summer school.

- Many other possibilities.

- Since SIGIR will be in Beijing on 24-28 July this year, and EMNLP overlaps with the end of SIGIR, We suggest that the summer school would be held just before SIGIR.

- Haifeng talked with Prof. Jian-Yun Nie, who is the general chair of SIGIR this year. He was also interested in the summer school. He said he will discuss with SIGIR to see whether they would co-organize the summer school.

- QUESTIONS: (1) ACL Sponsorship? (2) Is it appropriate for to co-organize the summer school with SIGIR?

More details will to be worked out later.