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I am a research staff member at the Machine Learning for Text Analytics group, Analytics Department, IBM Haifa Research Lab (HRL). My research interests include textual inference, sentiment analysis, social media analysis, information extraction & text mining, Hebrew processing, text classification and machine learning.

Before joining IBM in 2013, I managed the core algorithms team at Leadspace, a business intelligence startup based on semantic technologies. Prior to that, I managed the text mining group at Digital Trowel, a text mining startup.

I received my Ph.D in Computer Science from Bar-Ilan University in 2010. My advisor was Prof. Ido Dagan. In my Ph.D research I developed a knowledge-based semantic inference engine operating over lexical-syntactic representations. I co-organized the Second Recognizing Textual Entailment challenge (RTE2), led the Bar-Ilan team for the RTE3 & RTE4 challenges, and was part of the team for RTE5, which won the search task. Here is an article about textual entailment research in Prof. Dagan's lab, published in the Galileo magazine (in Hebrew).

I hold B.Sc (Summa Cum Laude) and M.Sc (Cum Laude) in Computer Science from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (1996, 2005). My M.Sc research was done under the supervision of Prof. Yoad Winter and Prof. Khalil Sima'an. In my M.Sc research I have developed a tool for part-of speech tagging and word segmentation of Hebrew. The tool is maintained by MILA, Knowledge Center for Processing Hebrew in the Technion (Demo).