Richard Sproat 

In 2004 SIGHAN is sponsoring the 3rd 
SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language
Processing to be held in conjunction with ACL 2004, in Barcelona, Spain,
July 25-26. The CFP and description of the workshop can be viewed at

The following is the breakdown of authors of submitted and accepted
workshop papers by country/region/whatever:

		Submitted	Accepted	
China		9		7
Taiwan		4		4
Hong Kong	2		2
Japan		2		2
Korea		2		2
Singapore	2		2
France		2		1
USA		2		2 (1 withdrawn)
Australia	1		1
Germany		1		1
Total	       27	       24 (1 withdrawn)

Current SIGHAN membership breaks down by region as follows:

 Australia                                    1
 Canada                                       2
 China                                       30
 Finland                                      1
 France                                       1
 Germany                                      1
 Hong Kong                                    5
 Japan                                        4
 Singapore                                    5
 South Korea                                  1
 Taiwan                                       3
 United Kingdom                               2
 United States                               33
 United States Minor Outlying Islands         1