Test-of-Time Papers Process

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This document outlines the ACL ToT paper award process, timeline, and steps. It assumes ACL is in summer, between mid June and end of August. The process should start approximately 6 months and a half prior to the ACL.

Please refer to the Test-of-Time motion (February 24, 2020) at ACL Policies#Awards:Test-of-Time Papers Award; the relevant components, in particular membership of the two committees, are included at the end of this timeline.

6 months ½ before conference (approximately beginning of January): at the request of the conference officer, and with his/her help, the ACL exec names chair(s) of the award committee; award chairs + conference officer: decide which ACL fellows to ask to serve on award committee

2 weeks later [6 months before conference]: conference officer: email award committee members; conference officer or award committee chairs: ask ACL fellows chosen above; first call to membership for TOT paper nominations

2 weeks later [5 months 1/2]: award committee in place (some may have recused themselves, conference officer finds substitutes), second call to membership for TOT paper nominations. Conference officer: choose expert committee chairs among expert committee members; conference officer and expert committee chairs decide which ACL fellows to ask; conference officer: email expert committee members, and ACL fellows

2 weeks later [5 months]: nominations collected from membership and from award committee members; expert committee in place (some may have recused themselves, conference officer finds substitutes); expert committee chairs decide if more experts are needed, choose them and contact them

3 weeks later [4 months 1 week]: award committee passes short list of nominated papers to expert committee

3 weeks later [3 months 1/2]: expert committee picks winners, its chairs inform ACL exec

1 week later [3 months 1 week]: ACL president informs winners

At conference: formal announcement, award ceremony.

Committee composition (from the ToT motion Feb 24, 2020):

Who nominates: Award committee. It will have two co-chairs, who may be nominated by the ACL exec outside of the categories mentioned below; and will be composed of editors of CL and TACL; the chapter presidents/chairs (other than ACL president); the presidents of all the SIGs, which had a workshop either 25 or 10 years earlier, and are still active; program and general chairs of the relevant conferences (ie ACL 25 and 10 years earlier, and any other relevant chapter conferences / EMNLP); 5 ACL fellows

Who judges: Expert committee, composed of: all ACL conferences’ general chairs, program chairs and ACL presidents in the interval ([current year-5]- [current year-1]); plus 5 ACL fellows. The committee will have two co-chairs. The co-chairs at their discretion can add ad hoc experts to cover specific areas not represented on the committee. Preferably those ad hoc experts would be chosen among ACL fellows.