2017 ACL 2017:Reminder Information

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Sent to Track Chairs. CC:ed to [notify]

Subject: Important: Reminder to respond to our invitation to serve on the [acronymYR] program committee

Dear [invitefirstname] [invitelastname],

Last week, we sent you an invitation to serve on the program committee 
for [confName] in [confYR].   We have not yet heard from you, and
would be grateful to you if you could confirm (accept or 
refuse) the participation in the committee [acronymYR], 
by clicking on the link below:


Please confirm your acceptance of this invitation.  We am looking 
forward to working with you.  We know that with your help, we
can make [acronymYR] a success.

We've included the previous email to you with the detailed key dates and follow up instructions below.  

Best Regards,

Regina Barzilay and Min-Yen Kan
for ACL 2017



We would like to invite you to serve on the Program Committee for The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2017 (ACL 2017).  ACL 2017 will be held in Vancouver, Canada, on July 30-August 4, 2017.

The success of the conference and the strength of the technical program depend very much on the expertise, guidance and judgment of the many reviewers who serve on the program committee.

Would you be willing to serve as a reviewer?  Please respond using the link below within a week of receiving this email.

We realise you are very busy and have many commitments, but we are trying to keep the load reasonably low, and it is expected that each reviewer will be asked to review at most 4 submissions in total (both long and short, as the deadline is joint).  A key difference from previous years is that the initial reviewing timeframe is shorter -- two weeks: 13-27 February 2017.

Additionally, we would strongly encourage you to review that other changes we have planned for ACL 2017, including the use of the Toronto Paper Matching System.  Please do visit our PC Chairs Blog to stay up to date (subscribe!) about the changes and our push for a transparent conference organization process: http://chairs-blog.acl2017.org

Here is the reviewing schedule.  Please take note of the key dates, or import the conference calendar (link below).


- Long + short paper joint submission deadline: 6 February
- Paper Bidding: 9-12 February
- Assignments out to reviewers: 13 February
- Reviewing period: 13-27 February (two weeks)
- Reviews due: 27 February
- Author response: 13-15 March
- Reviewers to read author responses, update reviews: 16-20 March
- Notification of acceptance: 30 March
- Camera ready deadline: 15 April

(link for live calendar : https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/arq0ig9b7dvhvpnv1n93bbluv0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics )

You will note that the initial review period is short and that more time has been allocated for discussion, as we feel discussion should be a key part of the review process.  The shorter timeframe also means that reviewers need to be absolutely committed to turning in reviews on time.  Please consider this charge carefully when accepting this invitation.

To respond to this invitation to join the ACL 2017 program committee, please first accept or decline by following this link,


where you can also make a START V2 account if you don't have one.

Then, if you are willing to review for ACL, please complete this form where you can specify your reviewing preferences over different areas:


Note that you have the option to express a preference for multiple areas. We will assign you to a single area, based on your area preferences as well as the requests of the area chairs. We will try to select your primary choice(s) over your secondary choice(s), and will not assign you to an area for which you do not want to review.

With your help, we know that we can make ACL 2017 a success.

Best Regards,

Regina Barzilay and Min-Yen Kan
for ACL 2017

ACL 2017 - https://www.softconf.com/acl2017/papers