2013Q3 Reports: SIGHAN

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2013Q3 Reports: SIGHAN Officers

The SIGHAN officers serve from December 13, 2011 until December 12, 2013. The current board consists of:

       • Chair -- Hsin-hsi CHEN        (National Taiwan University)
       • Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect        -- ZONG Chengqing       (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
       • Treasurer     -- Ming ZHOU  (Microsoft Research)
       • Secretary/Web Master -- Gina-Anne LEVOW       University of Washington


The main action for the SIGHAN community last year was the "Second CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing (CLP2012) <http://www.cipsc.org.cn/clp2012>. This conference was held jointly with CIPS, the Chinese Information Processing Society of China, the main association for Natural Language Processing in China. The conference was held on December 20-21, 2012 in Tianjin, China, as a co-event with the Eighth Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS-2012). The conference had bakeoffs on micro-blog word segmentation, Chinese personal name disambiguation, and parsing.m The general chairs were Sun, Le, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chen, Hsin-Hsi, SIGHAN and National Taiwan University.


We are now preparing for the SIGHAN-7 workshop to be held in conjunction with IJCNLP 2013 on October 14 in Nagoya, Japan. The workshop will feature high quality papers in all aspects of Chinese language processing and also the results of the Chinese Spelling Check Bakeoff. The workshop organizing committee includes Liang-Chih Yu (Yuan-Ze University), Yuen-Hsien Tseng (National Taiwan Normal University), Jingbo Zhu (Northeastern University), and Fuji Ren, (The University of Tokoshima).

We are now also preparing for the SIGHAN election, to take place this fall. The nominating committee will be presenting a slate of nominations and then further nominations will be opened up to the entire membership. Chengqing Zong is the Chair-Elect, but all the other officer positions are up for election.